Crisis Counselling
Program Goal
To provide our Anishnawbek people a more accessible, culturally safe, trauma informed, holistic Crisis Mental Health Service.
How it Works
- One-on-one single session counselling
- No appointment needed
- The ability to speak with a counsellor in the same day
- Culturally safe, holistic, trauma informed, client centered, solution focused brief therapy model
- Use of medicine wheel in assessment and treatment
- In-person availability will rotate between NSTC First Nations
- Virtual and phone accessible Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm
- Referrals to on-going counselling
How to Access
Call our Mental Wellness & Minobimaadizing Central Intake Line: 1-844-864-0523 and request Crisis Counselling.
If there are counsellors in your community the day you require Crisis Counselling (see hyperlinked schedule) you can visit your First Nation’s Health Centre and request Crisis Counselling from main reception/Client Care Coordinator. In the event that the counsellor’s schedule is already full for in-person visits, you can still connect to same-day counselling using the Central Intake Line: 1-844-864-0523.
Crisis Counselling
Program Goal
To provide our Anishnawbek people a more accessible, culturally safe, trauma informed, holistic Crisis Mental Health Service.
How it Works
- One-on-one single session counselling
- No appointment needed
- The ability to speak with a counsellor in the same day
- Culturally safe, holistic, trauma informed, client centered, solution focused brief therapy model
- Use of medicine wheel in assessment and treatment
- In-person availability will rotate between NSTC First Nations
- Virtual and phone accessible Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm
- Referrals to on-going counselling
How to Access
Call our Mental Wellness & Minobimaadizing Central Intake Line: 1-844-864-0523 and request Crisis Counselling.
If there are counsellors in your community the day you require Crisis Counselling (see hyperlinked schedule) you can visit your First Nation’s Health Centre and request Crisis Counselling from main reception/Client Care Coordinator. In the event that the counsellor’s schedule is already full for in-person visits, you can still connect to same-day counselling using the Central Intake Line: 1-844-864-0523.