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Request for Proposals (RFP)

North East Ontario Regional Episodic Access to Virtual Care Solution

Please read the full version of this RFP here:

North East Ontario Regional Episodic Access to Virtual Care RFP

Schedule B – Functional Requirements Final (.xls)

The Maamwesying Ontario Health Team (OHT) is administering this RFP on behalf of the North East (NE) OHT Regional Collaborative (herein referred to as the “NE OHT Regional Collaborative” and NE Episodic Access to Virtual Care (EAVC) Working Group stakeholders including those stakeholder awaiting OHT approval) to submit proposals for a regional episodic access to virtual care solution. This will be in accordance with the specifications and requirements set out in this RFP.

The term of the agreement will be for a contract period ending March 31, 2024 with an option to extend for an additional three to four (3-4) years.

This initiative will be evaluated with other models being delivered in Ontario. The results of the evaluation may inform programmatic modifications that may influence program delivery. These modifications may influence the requirements described in this RFP.


Northeastern Ontario communities face a shortage of primary care providers to meet community needs. Provincially, approximately 1.8M Ontarians are unattached to a family physician or alternative primary care provider and it is estimated that 10% of Northeastern Ontario residents (2021 Stats Can population of 509,771) are unattached. Additionally, Northeastern Ontario patients with primary care providers face challenges accessing timely primary care (often in clinic off hours or on weekends). An episodic access to virtual care (EAVC) program will be an opportunity to address the needs of this underserved population, and subsequently, decrease presentations to the emergency department for care best managed in the community.

General Requirements

Our vision for episodic access to virtual care (EAVC) is grounded in patient-centred care. Northeastern unattached patients and, where operationally feasible, patients who are unable to see their primary care provider in a timely manner will have access to virtual primary care without time off work, long waits, travel, and or visits to emergency departments. Patients will be able to access care to better manage their health when they need it. In addition, underserved populations, such as those in rural areas or with limited mobility can benefit from improved access and outcomes.

The immediate requirement is the establishment of:

1 – A digital virtual visit platform that:

  • Features video with audio backup and secure messaging;
  • Is an Ontario Health verified solution (https://www.ontariohealth.ca/verified-vendor-list);
  • Supports online booking of appointments;
  • Leverages existing NE Electronic Medical Record (EMR)/s or Electronic Health Record (EHR);
  • Leverages existing EMR/EHR configurations with provincial assets such as Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) for DI/Lab Orders, eConsult, Digital Health Drug Repository (DHDR) for Medications, PrescribeIT for Prescriptions, Health Report Manger (HRM) and ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer for digital health records, and eReferral for electronic sending and receiving of referrals

2 – Clinicians and staff, consisting of nurse practitioners (NPs) and appropriate clinical and administrative professionals (such as, registered nurses, allied health and medical office assistants) to provide EAVC services.

Note: Proposals for the digital virtual visit platform requirement without the requirement for
clinicians and staff will be accepted.

Eligibility for & Types of EAVC Appointments

NE EAVC appointments will be provided to NE patients with low acuity health concerns who either do not have a primary care provider (PCP) or cannot access their PCP in a timely manner (as determined by a standardized triaging tool/s used at Health811). NE EAVC appointments will enable patients to access timely urgent care virtually for appropriate lower acuity/non-emergent health issues or concerns with same day access to avoid unnecessary in-person ED visits.
As follow-up appointments to manage care have been identified as a need in the NE, a number of appointments per day (based on a metrics based indicator of need tracked at project launch) will be devoted to follow-up appointments.

Hours of Operation

The NPs will conduct EAVC appointments Monday to Sunday, 7 days a week from 1pm – 9pm Local Eastern Time. We anticipate the demand in the North East will require additional shifts/hours. This may include expansion to 8 am- 8 pm EDT/EST and 7x24x365 virtual emergency room care service depending on need and increasing clinicians and staff to meet the demand.

Submission Guidelines

All proposals must be sealed in an envelope or package properly marked as to contents (“Proposal for NE EAVC”) and delivered to:
473B Highway 17 West, Cutler, ON P0P 1B0 Attn: Jennifer McKenzie
By the following date and time: Date: November 3, 2023

Time: @ 5:00 pm Local Eastern Time
or send by email to: Jennifer.McKenzie@nmninoeyaa.ca CC:michelle.courneene@algomaoht.ca
Late Proposals will not be accepted and may be returned unopened at the Proponent’s expense. Please take into consideration document file size prior to submittng proposals via email.

Please read the full version of this RFP here:

North East Ontario Regional Episodic Access to Virtual Care RFP

Schedule B – Functional Requirements Final (.xls)

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Request for Proposals (RFP)

North East Ontario Regional Episodic Access to Virtual Care Solution

Please read the full version of this RFP here:

North East Ontario Regional Episodic Access to Virtual Care RFP

Schedule B – Functional Requirements Final (.xls)

The Maamwesying Ontario Health Team (OHT) is administering this RFP on behalf of the North East (NE) OHT Regional Collaborative (herein referred to as the “NE OHT Regional Collaborative” and NE Episodic Access to Virtual Care (EAVC) Working Group stakeholders including those stakeholder awaiting OHT approval) to submit proposals for a regional episodic access to virtual care solution. This will be in accordance with the specifications and requirements set out in this RFP.

The term of the agreement will be for a contract period ending March 31, 2024 with an option to extend for an additional three to four (3-4) years.

This initiative will be evaluated with other models being delivered in Ontario. The results of the evaluation may inform programmatic modifications that may influence program delivery. These modifications may influence the requirements described in this RFP.


Northeastern Ontario communities face a shortage of primary care providers to meet community needs. Provincially, approximately 1.8M Ontarians are unattached to a family physician or alternative primary care provider and it is estimated that 10% of Northeastern Ontario residents (2021 Stats Can population of 509,771) are unattached. Additionally, Northeastern Ontario patients with primary care providers face challenges accessing timely primary care (often in clinic off hours or on weekends). An episodic access to virtual care (EAVC) program will be an opportunity to address the needs of this underserved population, and subsequently, decrease presentations to the emergency department for care best managed in the community.

General Requirements

Our vision for episodic access to virtual care (EAVC) is grounded in patient-centred care. Northeastern unattached patients and, where operationally feasible, patients who are unable to see their primary care provider in a timely manner will have access to virtual primary care without time off work, long waits, travel, and or visits to emergency departments. Patients will be able to access care to better manage their health when they need it. In addition, underserved populations, such as those in rural areas or with limited mobility can benefit from improved access and outcomes.

The immediate requirement is the establishment of:

1 – A digital virtual visit platform that:

  • Features video with audio backup and secure messaging;
  • Is an Ontario Health verified solution (https://www.ontariohealth.ca/verified-vendor-list);
  • Supports online booking of appointments;
  • Leverages existing NE Electronic Medical Record (EMR)/s or Electronic Health Record (EHR);
  • Leverages existing EMR/EHR configurations with provincial assets such as Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) for DI/Lab Orders, eConsult, Digital Health Drug Repository (DHDR) for Medications, PrescribeIT for Prescriptions, Health Report Manger (HRM) and ConnectingOntario ClinicalViewer for digital health records, and eReferral for electronic sending and receiving of referrals

2 – Clinicians and staff, consisting of nurse practitioners (NPs) and appropriate clinical and administrative professionals (such as, registered nurses, allied health and medical office assistants) to provide EAVC services.

Note: Proposals for the digital virtual visit platform requirement without the requirement for
clinicians and staff will be accepted.

Eligibility for & Types of EAVC Appointments

NE EAVC appointments will be provided to NE patients with low acuity health concerns who either do not have a primary care provider (PCP) or cannot access their PCP in a timely manner (as determined by a standardized triaging tool/s used at Health811). NE EAVC appointments will enable patients to access timely urgent care virtually for appropriate lower acuity/non-emergent health issues or concerns with same day access to avoid unnecessary in-person ED visits.
As follow-up appointments to manage care have been identified as a need in the NE, a number of appointments per day (based on a metrics based indicator of need tracked at project launch) will be devoted to follow-up appointments.

Hours of Operation

The NPs will conduct EAVC appointments Monday to Sunday, 7 days a week from 1pm – 9pm Local Eastern Time. We anticipate the demand in the North East will require additional shifts/hours. This may include expansion to 8 am- 8 pm EDT/EST and 7x24x365 virtual emergency room care service depending on need and increasing clinicians and staff to meet the demand.

Submission Guidelines

All proposals must be sealed in an envelope or package properly marked as to contents (“Proposal for NE EAVC”) and delivered to:
473B Highway 17 West, Cutler, ON P0P 1B0 Attn: Jennifer McKenzie
By the following date and time: Date: November 3, 2023

Time: @ 5:00 pm Local Eastern Time
or send by email to: Jennifer.McKenzie@nmninoeyaa.ca CC:michelle.courneene@algomaoht.ca
Late Proposals will not be accepted and may be returned unopened at the Proponent’s expense. Please take into consideration document file size prior to submittng proposals via email.

Please read the full version of this RFP here:

North East Ontario Regional Episodic Access to Virtual Care RFP

Schedule B – Functional Requirements Final (.xls)
